Update #5 - Screw Ladders

Hello there!

Seriously, screw ladders! I removed the ladder in the cargo hold and replaced it with an elevator. That's it. That's the whole update :D 

Just kidding, I've done a lot more besides that. The full video update for February is below:

...but for fans of lists (I know who you are) here's something for you:

  • Added a test fetch quest with supporting dialogue tree - you can now chat to Aaron, the tech support guy standing in the hangar bay, and he will give you a quest to find a 'tech thingy' (great writing)
    • You then have to fly to the second scene with a wreck and pick up a storage box which triggers the 'return to Aaron' part of the quest
    • Then when you get back to the home base, you can tell him you have his thingy
    • All super-basic, but testing out dialogue tree setup, make sure it works across multiple scenes, and set quest triggers on trigger boxes and grabbing items, etc.
  • Set up the full airlock flow - there is now an interactible screen in the airlock to activate it, put on your spacesuit, start decompression and disable gravity so you can exit the ship safely (and the reverse too)
  • Modified a Synty drone model to give it a cute smiley face, and set up a simple material-based animation for a glitch effect
  • Added some test waypoints at the wreck - still working on those
  • Also did lots of background work setting up prefabs so they function as they should across multiple scenes
  • And various bug fixes too!

More to come this month on the ship and home base modelling, animating the cargo drone and setting up the cargo hold inventory system.


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