Demo 0.1.2 released!


As promised, a new version of the demo is now available - 0.1.2!

So what's new in this one? Glad you asked:

  • Added saving! Saves the level you have reached, so if you quit mid-playthrough you can continue from the start of the level you were in
  • Chapel door light now turns green when you can go through it
  • Various fixes to camera profiles and post-processing, some of which wasn't being correctly enabled as it should
  • Fixed some 'examine' magnifying glasses that were incorrectly scaled
  • Sorted two pieces of music being played simultaneously after agreeing to follow Georgia into the Chapel
  • When entering Medical, the door now shuts behind you immediately, so you can't run back the way
  • Upgraded project to Unity 2021 and updated all plugins <- doesn't really affect you but it did cause some bugs I had to fix, namely:
  • Fixed Notepad and Terminal UIs to correctly position themselves when used
  • Fixed Terminal so that it could be used the second time you activated it <- this was a bugger to find and fix!

And that's it! Mostly adding saving, bug fixes and updating the Unity version in the background.

Demo updates will still happen when major features go in, but most of my development time will now be spent on the rest of the game, so do follow for screenshots and updates!


Files 132 MB
Jun 10, 2023


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