September - what work?!

Hello all!

It's been an odd month to be fair. Actual paid day-job work has been busy as we prepared a prototype demo, then dove straight into pre-production for a vertical slice. And personally I've just come back from a week's holiday (side note: Copenhagen is lovely but very expensive) and was tabling at a three-day SF/Fantasy convention before that. So yeah, it's been a bit all over the place.

Now, work on PENITENCE grinds back to a start, but I'm also busy writing a new novel and quickly bashing out some ideas I've had for future games. Also, for no reason at all, doing a bit more learning with Unreal Engine. Yep, no reason I would be looking into UE5 for future projects instead of Unity :P 

Luckily we're also using UE5 at work now, so that has helped boost my knowledge immensely. I have used Unreal for projects before, but only on-and-off and not really heavily using Blueprints, more pure level and environment design. I have a lot to figure out, but it seems to be going well so far.

I'll drop a proper update when I've got some PENITENCE news, so that's it for now!



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