End of March, and almost the end!

...of making the demo!

Hello, it's been nearly a month since the last update and it's a quarter of the way through 2023 already, which must be wrong. And if it's not wrong, it has to be illegal somehow. I'll get in touch with the police and let you know how that goes.

Anyway, I've been continuing to work on PENITENCE and have tackled several tasks I've been putting off for a while.

One of the big ones was making a dead body! In one area the player uncovers the long-mummified corpse of someone in a uniform. So I took a look at some ProBuilder tutorials (Unity's built-in model editor) and decided to combine these two lovely people:

Into this new lovely person:

Then posed her in position using UMotion:

THEN (this all took quite a while) I used UMotion to animate the body and the notepad she is holding for when the player decides to move her:

I was also busy doing:

  • Much lighting work, including setting up some lightbaking in the medical area
  • Started some blockout and test lighting in the next area (but that won't be in the demo)
  • Tidying up level transition fades and timings etc.
  • Animated a vent so it rattles, and animates open when interacted with
  • Loads and loads of fixes for animation stuff, NPCs getting pushed around by player, and other minor bugs
  • A bit more art decoration work so the temple looks more lived-in and less 'corridorey' (it's a word)
  • Started sorting audio - environment sounds, door sounds, some music, and updating UI SFX and footsteps

And that's the bulk of it!

Still working on adding more audio and art decoration, but all the logic is in there now and you can play it from beginning to end. I had hoped to get it out before Easter, but thanks to holidays and illness I lost too much time to manage that deadline. So, it looks like mid-April for the demo release.



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